Stephen Piercey
Speaking at:

University Research Professor, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Stephen J. Piercey has BSc(Hons) and MSc degrees from Memorial University of Newfoundland (Canada) and a PhD from the University of British Columbia (Canada). From 2001-2008 he was Assistant and Associate Professor in the Department of Earth Sciences and Mineral Exploration Research Centre at Laurentian University. From 2007-2009 he was a full-time consulting geologist and the principal of SJPGeoConsulting. Since 2009 he has been at Memorial University where he was previously the NSERC-Altius Industrial Research Chair in Mineral Deposits (2009-2016) and currently holds the rank of University Research Professor. His research, teaching, and consulting interests involve integrated field- and laboratory-based studies focused on the exploration for and genesis of mineral deposits and the tectonic evolution of mountain belts, with emphasis on volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS), orogenic Au, and U deposits. He has previously been awarded the Lindgren Medal (SEG), Howard Street Robinson Medal (GAC), Hutchison Medal (GAC), and Duncan Derry Medal (MDD-GAC). He was the 2024 President of the Society of Economic Geologists (SEG) and is the 2025 Past President of SEG.