Location: UBC Robson Square
Presented by: Mineral Deposit Research Unit
Summary: This course will provide attendees with a deeper understanding of the importance of grade within different gold deposit styles, and the tectonic and geological controls on gold grade within those deposit models from regional to local scales. The course will also highlight how the definition of high-grade varies significantly by deposit type and the impact grade has on project economics in different deposit types. We will also address how byproduct minerals and elements deemed “critical” may impact gold project economics in the future.
The course will be presented by the Mineral Deposit Research Unit with a series of world-leading experts with significant gold exploration and production experience providing their knowledge. Deposit types covered in the course will include orogenic gold, Carlin-type gold deposits, epithermal gold, porphyry Au-Cu and carbonate-replacement deposits. A display of drill core from several gold deposits (and accompanying information) will be provided and available for attendees to review.
Registration Closed